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The Continuing Exploits
of Mr. Jones

Free Info on our recommended Medical Transcription Program leading to an exciting home based medical transcription career

Episode 7:   Mr. Evil Goes to Jail

Early the next morning - Corporate Board room.

Emergency meeting of the highest ranking company officers.

Evil:   Gentlemen, the reason I've convened this meeting is to inform you that there has been a significant breach of security. Last night someone entered the building and it appears that they were successful in removing some very sensitive and potentially damaging information.

Wilson:   Mr. Evil, what exactly did they take?

Evil:   It seems that they somehow gained access to the files on Operation X.

Audible Gasp resounds through the room.

Evil:   Yes, it puts us in quite a pickle. And I can tell you right now that I am not going down alone on this one. Your collective fingerprints are all over that project. Now from the looks of it, it was an inside job. I can guarantee you that we will find the perpetrators and they will be severely punished.

Wilson:   What about the security guards? Weren't they on duty last night?

Evil:   Those particular individuals are currently standing in the soup line down on welfare square. I will personally see to it that they are not gainfully employed in this town again.

Gray:   What about the head of security? Shouldn't he answer for this also?

Evil:   Oh, you mean Simpson? Well, let's just say he has been "reassigned." I'd rather not go into the specific unpleasantries of his situation.

Wilson:   Too bad, he was such a nice guy - and only a year away from retirement.

Evil:   Yes, well, I'm not in the business of subsidizing freeloaders. If he'd been doing his job none of this would have happened. And as for his retirement… well, I think it is safe to say that it will be far more than a year before Simpson is able to retire to anything other than the poor house. But that is unimportant now. We have got to get those files back. Anyone got any brilliant ideas?

Linda via Intercom:   Mr. Evil, there are a couple of gentlemen here to see you.

Evil:   Not now Linda! I gave you specific instructions that I was not to be disturbed.

Linda via Intercom:   Mr. Evil, I think you should come out and visit with them… sir.

Evil:   Gentlemen, you'll excuse me for one moment while I go find a new secretary!!

Evil storms out of the board room but is intercepted by an FBI Detective.

FBI Detective:   Mr. Evil?   John Evil?

Evil:   Yes?   What do you want?

FBI Detective:   Mr. Evil, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law …

Evil is handcuffed and escorted from the building.

Next Episode:   Mr. Jones Takes Control

Free Info on our recommended Medical Transcription Program leading to an exciting home based medical transcription career

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