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The Continuing Exploits
of Mr. Jones

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Episode 9:   Mr. Evil Strikes Back

6 months later - Executive Reception Area.

Evil:   Good morning Linda - I was hoping you would still be here to share in this moment. I have come back to assume my rightful position in the corner office.

Linda:   Why Mr. Evil, I hadn't heard you had been releas.. uh, er I didn't know you were back.

Evil:   Yes, well, I was released early for good behavior.

Linda:   I assume you are here to meet with Mr. Jones. I will announce your arrival.

Evil:   That won't be necessary Linda. I think I know my way into my own office. Let's just give him a little surprise, shall we?

Linda:   I'm not sure that's such a good idea sir… ah sir? Sigh, oh well - too late.

Evil enters Executive Office.

Jones:   Why Mr Evil, what are you … ah I mean what a nice surprise.

Evil:   Don't patronize me Jones. It has been an extremely long six months.

Jones:   I am pleased to see that they let you out early sir.

Evil:   Jones, I believe that you are sitting in my seat.

Jones:   Well sir, I don't know how to tell you this but I have been asked to assume the duties of CEO.

Evil:   That's nice Jones - but I'm back now. So, if you don't mind leaving this office before I call the police. Oh, and while your at it, why don't you just plan to take an extended break from this company. A PERMANENT BREAK. Jones, I will personally see to it that you never work again - anywhere.

Jones:   I suppose we should consult with the FBI before we make the change sir. I'm sure they will have a thing or two to say about this.

Evil:   I'm way ahead of you Jones. I have all the necessary paperwork right here. You see Jones, this little arrangement was all part of my plea bargain. I gave the FBI a few nuggets of useful information that they needed to build a case against a few of my subordinates. And in return, the FBI promised to restore me to my role of CEO upon my release from prison.

Jones:   You mean that you sold out your own management team?

Evil:   Jones, you're a fine one to talk after having sent me down the river without a lifejacket or paddle. You never really expected to see me again did you Jones? Well guess what Jones, I'm back! And you know what else? I always get even. Now, I'm going to give you to the count of three to get your measly, low-life carcass out of this office.

Jones:   May I gather my personal items?

Evil:   No, Jones! I will have them shipped to you. Now get out!

Jones:   Yes sir.

Evil via Intercom:   Linda, summon a member of the security team to escort Mr. Jones from the building. I want to make very sure that he doesn't take anything with him on his way out.

Jones Exits

Next Episode:   Mr. Jones Laughs Last

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