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The Continuing Exploits
of Mr. Jones

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Episode 5:   Mr. Jones Goes to Washington

Following Jones' 1st Union meeting

Harry:   Hey, Jonesey, it's great to finally have you on board. How did you like the meeting?

Jones:   It was good. I just hope this is worth it. Mr. Evil was pretty unhappy about the situation.

Harry:   Things are going to get better for you now that you're part of the Union - you'll see. Besides, we've got a few little surprises in store for Evil and his compatriates.

Jones:   Surprises? What kind of surprises?

Harry:   Well, Jonesey, you're going to find out that one of the things about being organized is that you can start establishing yourself some protection - you know building evidence - that sort of thing.

Jones:   Evidence? What kind of evidence?

Harry:   Well, let's just say that everyone's got a few skeletons in their closet. I mean am I right? Well, Jonesey, it turns out that our greedy friends in the ivory tower have been lining their pockets at the stockholders' expense. If you know what I mean.

Jones:   Are you talking embezzlement?

Harry:   Shh! Jonesey, this is top secret stuff. Now I wouldn't exactly call it embezzlement what they're doing, lets just say that it smacks of impropriety.

Jones:   What evidence do we have?

Harry:   Well, put it this way - not enough. We're still working on it - but it's there, it's just gonna take a little more time. That's where you come in. There may be some things you can do to help.

Jones:   Whoa, Harry, back up. I'm all for being in the Union and all that, but I'm not sure I want to get involved in this kind of situation.

Harry:   Relax, Jonesey. We're working with the FBI here. We're completely protected.

Jones:   The FBI?!

Harry:   Yeah, sure, they're really some pretty nice guys. Come on over and let me introduce you to one of their undercover guys.

Harry:   Mr. Westfield, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Jones - he's the guy I was telling you about.

Westfield:   Great. Jones, it sounds like you and I are going to be traveling together this week.

Jones:   Traveling together?

Harry:   Er, ah yeah, Jonesey that's what I was meaning to tell you. You've been selected to represent the Union in the upcoming convention in Washington D.C.

Jones:   Who selected me?

Westfield:   We did Jones. You are about to become an integral part of a very complex and important undercover operation. The Washington trip is a front for a week long training session at FBI headquarters.

Jones:   Do I have a choice?

Westfield:   Technically, no. However, we were hoping that you would see this as a part of your civic responsibility and cooperate voluntarily.

Jones:   Why did you select me?

Westfield:   We need someone who is new enough to be above suspicion. Also, you happen to have the security clearance that we are looking for.

Jones:   Security clearance? But I work in the maintenance department.

Westfield:   Exactly. Unbeknownst to you, your security clearance gives you access to some very important areas in the building. That will be crucial to the success of this operation.

Jones:   When do we leave?

Westfield:   0600 - tomorrrow morning.

Jones:   Tomorrow?!!   But I will need to clear this with my supervisor.

Westfield:   That won't be necessary Jones. We've made all of the necessary arrangements.

Jones:   Can I tell my wife?

Westfield:   You may tell her you are going to the annual Union convention. That is all. I suggest you go home and pack.

Jones:   Yes, I guess I better.

Harry:   Good luck Jonesey!

Jones:   Yeah, thanks.

Jones Exits

Next Episode:  Mr. Jones Makes a Sting

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