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The Continuing Exploits
of Mr. Jones

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Episode 6:   Mr. Jones Makes a Sting

3 weeks later

About 2:00 a.m. in the Executive File Room.

Harry:   Now remember Jonesey, we're looking for anything that looks the least bit suspicious.

Jones:   It's a little hard to see anything with these silly flashlights. I can't believe we're doing this Harry. I mean if we get caught we could be in a lot of trouble.

Harry:   Relax Jonesey, it's 2 a.m. The only people that have any bizness bein' in this building at this hour is the janitors - and that's us. So howz about ya givin' me a hand with the lock on this here cabinet. These lock pickin' tools that those suits at the FBI gave us are pretty nifty don't ya think? I mean it's almost like bein' in one of them spy movies. Hey Jonesey, how's this: "The name's Bond…James Bond." HaHa

Jones:   Yeah, well if we get out of here in one piece I can guarantee you that's one career that I want no part of - this spy business is way too stressful. I mean I have a family to think about.

Harry:   Yeah sure ya do Jonesey, we all do. So the sooner we get on with this thing the sooner we're outa here. Now take hold of this handle and pull hard with me. Ready? &nbsp One, two, three, go!

CRASH - filing cabinet topples to the floor.

Jones:   Whoa!   Harry, look at the mess we made - we'll never get all these files back in order.

Voice From Darkness:   Hey!   Who's in there?

Light goes on in hallway.

Jones:   The only ones in the building at this hour are the janitors - isn't that what you said Harry? Well it seems that you forgot about the Security guards. We are in big trouble!

Harry:   Shh! Quiet Jonesey. They don't know where we are. Quick, dowse the flashlights and let's hide back in these shadows.

Jones:   What about all these files.

Harry:   There's no time, leave 'em!

Harry:   Quiet now, I think I here footsteps.

Voice From Darkness:   Anyone in there?

Flashlight Shines In

2nd Voice:   Looks empty, let's check the bathrooms.

Jones:   Wow, that was a close call. I can't believe they didn't notice the files all over the floor.

Harry:   I got news for you Jonesey - these boyz up here ain't exacly the Pinkertons - if you know what I mean. Minimum wagers all the way. Now come on let's get to work.

Jones:   O.K. what are we looking for again?

Harry:   Like I keep tellin' ya - anything that looks - you know - funny.

Jones:   Yeah, funny. O.K. I know funny when I see it.

Jones:   Hey, here's something on the new cafeteria they've been talking about.

Harry:   Jonesey, keep your mind on the mission! We're looking for evidence - information on offshore bank accounts - that sort of thing.

Jones:   Yeah, well that cafeteria is important to me. I've been eating peanut butter sandwiches for more weeks than I'd like to remember.

Harry:   Yeah, yeah, yeah… Hey, wait a minute. Here's something… BINGO! Take a look at this one Jonesey.

Jones:   Operation X?   What kind of a label is that?

Harry:   It's obviously a code name Jonesey. Look at this - contact names in the Carribean with pictures and everything. I think we hit the mother lode. All right - look for anything else that has anything to do with this Operation X and let's package this stuff up and get outa here.

Jones:   Are we going to photocopy this stuff?

Harry:   Naw, we'll just take the files with us.

Jones:   Won't they realize they're missing?

Harry:   Hey Jonesey - in case you didn't notice - we just destroyed the filing cabinet. Yeah, I think they'll know they're missin' all right. The important thing is we got 'em and I think our friend Mr. Evil is gonna be spendin' some time in a different type of pin-striped suit than he's accustomed to … if ya know what I mean. Now help me stand this filing cabinet back up and let's get these files put away.

10 minutes later in the shadows of the third floor of the parking garage.

Harry:   O.K. Jonesey. Now you understand the plan , right? At exactly 0300 hours a guy in a suit is gonna walk outa that stairwell door. You're gonna pass each other between these two cars and that's where you'll exchange briefcases. Remember, there's cameras all over the place here - make it look natural. This has to go down without a hitch.

Jones:   Harry, are you sure you can't make the switch instead of me? I mean in the movies this is always the part where the gunfire erupts. And it's usually the guy carrying the briefcase that goes down first.

Harry:   No Jonesey, they're gonna be lookin' for you. Now, take it easy. Nobody's goin' down here. This is gonna be the simplest thing ya ever did. Trust me. Now grab the briefcase and start walking toward the car. By my estimate he should be coming out of the door right about … yeah, there he is. O.K. now remember, you're doin' this for your country Jonesey. Make us all proud!

Jones:   That's easy for you to say. You're not the one that is going to have to take a bullet.

Jones disappears into the shadows.

Next Episode:   Mr. Evil Goes to Jail

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