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The Continuing Exploits
of Mr. Jones

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Episode 8:   Mr. Jones Takes Control

Several Days Later.

Detective Westfield:   Well Jones, I think you can feel quite proud of yourself. The arrest made the front page of the New York Tribune.

Jones:   What's going to happen to Mr. Evil?

Westfield:   The Judge has promised us a speedy trial. In all likelihood there will be some last minute plea bargaining - and then it's off to jail for Mr. Evil.

Jones:   How long will he be in jail?

Westfield:   He'll receive a minimum one-year sentence - that's mandatory. Of course there is always the possibility of an early parole, but I wouldn't count on it if I were him.

Jones:   Knowing Mr. Evil he will find a way to beat the system.

Westfield:   Fortunately the case against him is pretty compelling - thanks to your good work.

Jones:   Oh, I really didn't do that much.

Westfield:   That's not true, Jones. We have been treading water on this case for over 18 months for lack of any concrete evidence. Without your help Mr. Evil would still be a free man. In fact, I'm here to extend you a very special invitation to meet personally with Mr. Brady, the Regional Director of the FBI. He has a little proposal that I think may interest you.

Jones:   No more spy missions I hope.

Westfield:   No, nothing like that. I'll have a driver pick you up at 7:00 p.m.

Jones:   Don't you mean 1900 hours.

Westfield:   Yeah, that's right Jones. You better be careful - Mr. Brady may mistake you for a veteran and send you out on assignment.

Jones:   See you at 7:00.

Later that evening.

Brady:   Jones, on behalf of the FBI I would like to personally thank you for what you have done. Of course I realize that we can never truly repay you for your service here, but as recognition for your accomplishment the Bureau would like to appoint you as acting President of Acme Enterprises.

Jones:   You mean take Mr. Evil's spot? Run the company? Me??

Brady:   It will be a temporary thing Jones. We need someone in there who we can trust. It is likely that we will need continuous access to the company's systems and files while we are building our case against Evil. What do you say Jones?

Jones:   But I don't know anything about running such a large organization.

Brady:   Relax, Jones. There is a strong management team in place at Acme. What we are asking is that you just try to keep things on an even keel - status quo. If there are any major problems we will arrange for an outside consulting firm to come in and help out. So do we have a deal, Jones?

Jones:   Will there be a raise involved?

Brady:   Unfortunately Jones we are not within our legal rights to offer you any additional remuneration. But think of the experience it will give you.

Jones:   Yes, I think I've heard this story before…

Brady:   I don't follow you Jones.

Jones:   Oh never mind, it's not important. So when do I start?

Brady:   I don't see why we couldn't make the announcement to the other employees first thing in the morning. Congratulations Jones. You are going to do just fine.

Jones:   I sure hope so.

Next Episode:   Mr. Evil Strikes Back

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